Singles Mixer FAQs

What is a Singles Mixer?

The Singles Mixer means we have ONE bar, for ONE Night, where everyONE is SINGLE. Sounds good, right?

Is a Singles Mixer like Speed Dating?

No, they are different events, but they are both designed to help you meet other single people. Speed Dating is more structured, whereas the Singles Mixer is more relaxed.

How does a Singles Mixer work?

You’ll have the opportunity to chat with everyone who attends the event, safe in the knowledge that they are also single and looking to meet other singles. The whole event is powered by our webapp and the Meet, Match & Win Prize Draw.

OK, so how does it actually work?

Once you buy a ticket you’ll receive a link to your profile from SpeedMatchApp. Upload a picture of yourself and check your contact details are correct.

Turn up to the event, and Check In with your Host. You’ll receive:

  • a Name Badge

  • your 1st Entry in the Second Date Prize Draw

  • a Token for a drink, which you can exchange at the bar

  • a Conversation Card

OK, what next?

Get yourself a drink and check your email for the Event Link, click on that and keep your phone handy.

Don’t play Candy Crush though, look up, look around you, you’ll see other guests arriving who you might instantly take a liking to… ta-dah! This is what the event is all about!

When the event begins, go and chat to whoever has caught your eye. Go on, it’s ok, you’re both single! Use your Conversation Card to ask an interesting question!

Both ask your questions, LISTEN to the answers, and then check if your Conversation Cards match!

If you have a pair e.g. 3 + 3 or J + J, go and see your host, who will give you both additional entries into the Prize Draw and fresh Conversation Cards.

The more people you chat to…

the more people you meet…

the more Card Matches you’ll get…

and more entries into the draw…

and before you know it you’re winning in life, AND LOVE!

Then what?

Around 10pm we’ll pull winners from the hat for the Prize Draw.

You’ll have until midday the following day to log into SpeedMatchApp and give feedback on who you would like to see again for a Date, as a Friend or Not at all.

How does the matching work?

You have to want the same thing to match:

Date + Date = Date

Friend + Friend = Friend

Date + Friend = No Match (sounds harsh, but it’s easier that way, no confusion, ghosting or friend-zoning)

And we hope we don’t need to spell it out to you but No, means No.

You’ll get the email address of your matches, and also the app has a cheeky little chat function too.

OK, I like the sound of this, how do I book?

Click this link and book online. There are no sales on the door.

Why can’t I buy a ticket on the door?

We closely monitor the bookings for each event to ensure a fairly even male/female ratio, and the only way we can do that, is to know who is coming.

We also need to send you a link for our app, which powers the whole event, and it’s easier if we do that in advance.

I’m not very good at approaching people…

Anxiety and meeting new people can go hand in hand, but we’re here for you, 100%!

Everyone is in the same boat (bar), which means everyone is single, check!

Every 15 minutes or so your host will also ring the bell to prompt you to wrap up your chats, enter your feedback into the app, and move on to a new person who’s caught your eye.

Our friendly hosts will also move around the room and introduce you to the other guests too. If you feel really uncomfortable with someone or their behaviour, please come and find us. We are there to make it a totally fun and safe experience for everyone.

The evening wraps up with the Prize Draw at around 10pm, but many people stay on and chat with their new found friends and potential matches…

Hmmm, still not sure…

Bring a wing-man/woman with you for support, we now have special tickets so you can bring some moral support. Your Wing-man/woman will not have access to the app to be able to match with other guests.

If you prefer more structure, then check out our Speed Dating Classic events instead, where you have a 3-4 minute date with every person of the opposite gender that attends.

There are Prizes…

We partner with different brands for each event to offer you prizes for the actual second date or to help you feel good about yourself before your second date (hopefully with someone you met at the event). Previously they have included a Meal for Two; Couples Massage; Grooming/Salon Vouchers; Couples Painting Lesson. Check the social media for your event and see what you could win!

What people are saying?

Can I be removed from the Mailing list? I have found my girlfriend from your events. Keep up the good work!”

– Male Speed Dater, January 2023